Title and Authors Name |
Role of phosphate solubilizing soil microorganisms on the uptake of heavy metal in plants Gowrav Baradwaj, Mythreyi R, Mutthuraj D, Girish Kanavi K, Arjun KR, Varshitha BR and Kanthesh M Basalingappa Int. J. Plant Pathol. Microbiol., 2024; 4(2): 82-96 |
Studies on banded blight of brown top millet caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn AK Jain Int. J. Plant Pathol. Microbiol., 2024; 4(2): 97-100 |
In vitro bioefficacy of bioagents against Alternaria brassicae causing blight of mustard Veeresh P, Munde NN, Dadke MS and Banne SN Int. J. Plant Pathol. Microbiol., 2024; 4(2): 101-104 |
Enhancing postharvest quality of papaya through edible coatings and essential oils: A green technology approach V Sai Kavya, T Naga Lakshmi1, S Narasimha Rao, P Sunitha and V Sudha Vani Int. J. Plant Pathol. Microbiol., 2024; 4(2): 105-115 |
First report of Acremonium sclerotigenum as a pathogen causing tomato fruit rot and its control strategies Hassan A Gouda, Amal MI Eraky, Jerome Jeyakumar John Martin, Mohamed AM Hussein and Ahmed Hendy Int. J. Plant Pathol. Microbiol., 2024; 4(2): 116-121 |
First report of leaf spot disease on ridge gourd caused by Fusarium solani Kalyan Roy, Ritabrita Saha, Subhrajyoti Saha, Dipanwita Saha and Aniruddha Saha Int. J. Plant Pathol. Microbiol., 2024; 4(2): 122-126 |
In vitro evaluation of compatibility of Trichoderma asperellum with systemic and non-systemic fungicides MS Mahajan, BD Deokar and NN Munde Int. J. Plant Pathol. Microbiol., 2024; 4(2): 127-130 |
Investigating the resistance of pea cultivars against fusarium wilt caused by (Fusarium oxysporum f.) sp pisi Munde NN and Falke SA Int. J. Plant Pathol. Microbiol., 2024; 4(2): 131-134 |
Effect of Synergistic bioinoculation with Frankia in bioactive secondary metabolites production of Elaeagnus latifolia L. seedlings Liza Handique and Vipin Parkash Int. J. Plant Pathol. Microbiol., 2024; 4(2): 135-143 |