2023, Vol. 3, Issue 2, Part A
Effect of different organic manure with Beejamrit inoculation on summer moong (Vigna radiata L.)
Author(s): Garima Kaushik Parashar, Vidhi Chamoli, Shakshi Dubey and Shivani Khatri
Abstract: The present study aimed to evaluate the Effect of different organic manure with Beejamrit inoculation on summer moong (Vigna radiata L.) conducted during summer season 2021 at SGRRU Pathri Bagh Dehradun. The experiment was laid out into Randomized block design with 3 replication and 12 treatments namely T0 Control, T1 - 100% N Through FYM+ Beejamrit inoculation, T2 100% N through Vermicompost + Uninoculation, T3 100% N through Shivanshkhad+ Beejamrit inoculation, T4 100% N through Neem cake+ Uninoculation, T5 50% N through FYM +50% Vermicompost+ Beejamrit inoculation, T6 50% N through FYM +50% Shivanshkhad+ Uninoculation, T7 50% N through FYM +50% Neemcake+ Beejamrit inoculation, T8 50% N through Vermicompost + 50% Shivanshkhad+ Uninoculation, T9 50% N through Vermicompost + 50% Neemcake+ Beejamrit inoculation, T10 25% FYM + 25% Vermicompost + 25% Shivanshkhad +25% Neem cake+ Uninoculation, T11 25% FYM + 25% Vermicompost +25% Shivanshkhad +25% Neem cake+ Beejamrit inoculation. The result revealed that application of T5 50% N through FYM +50% Vermicompost+ Beejamrit inoculation recorded significantly higher plant height(41.53cm), number of branches per plant (11.46) and dry weight (8.65g) as compare to rest of the treatment except control.
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How to cite this article:
Garima Kaushik Parashar, Vidhi Chamoli, Shakshi Dubey, Shivani Khatri. Effect of different organic manure with Beejamrit inoculation on summer moong (Vigna radiata L.). Int J Plant Pathol Microbiol 2023;3(2):41-43.