P-ISSN: 2789-3065, E-ISSN: 2789-3073
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2023, Vol. 3, Issue 1, Part A

Role of pituitary extracts and other inducing agents in induce breeding

Author(s): Kumari Priyanka and Dr. Shiva Nand Singh

Abstract: Indian major carps comes under fishes which do not ordinarily spawn in confined water or stagnant water bodies such as ponds, lakes etc., but spawn usually in inundated terrains of rivers and streams during rainy season. Bulk of the Inland aquaculture production comes from farming of the three Indian Major Carps- Catla, Rohu and Mrigal also known as Gangetic Caps that inhabit the major river systems in the country. Induced breeding techniques have allowed farmers to profitably breed and culture carp fishes that do not naturally reproduce under captive conditions. Hormone administration is the most common method of induced breeding in fishes which the pituitary extract injected into the matured male and female fishes and the hormone induce them to spawn. Successful induced spawning depends upon the dosage of hormone. Injection, potency of the pituitary gland, gonodal maturity of the recipient fish and the prevailing environmental conditions. Such as temperature, water currents and rain. The important environmental factors responsible for induced breeding in Indian major carps are temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and hardness. Proper care of brood stock is very important for assuring good production of eggs, hatchlings, fry and fingerlings in induced breeding of carp fishes. Several commercially available synthetic ovulating agents in a ready-made form which contained GnRHa and dopamine antagonist such as ovaprim, ovatide are becoming very popular nowadays and found to be efficient and successful spawning agents in different carp fishes. The technique of spawning the fishes under controlled condition by administration of Pituitary hormone is known as Induced breeding. Induced breeding is also known as hypophysation.

Pages: 49-53 | Views: 644 | Downloads: 347

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International Journal of Plant Pathology and Microbiology
How to cite this article:
Kumari Priyanka, Dr. Shiva Nand Singh. Role of pituitary extracts and other inducing agents in induce breeding. Int J Plant Pathol Microbiol 2023;3(1):49-53.
International Journal of Plant Pathology and Microbiology
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