P-ISSN: 2789-3065, E-ISSN: 2789-3073
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2022, Vol. 2, Issue 2, Part A

Septoria leaf spot cause by Septoria lycopersici on tomato: A review

Author(s): Nilesh Vikas Dhangar and Dr. Debjani Choudhury

Abstract: In humid climates, Septoria leaf spot (Septoria lycopersici Speg.) is one of the most destructive foliar diseases, especially during periods of heavy rainfall, frequent dew, or overhead irrigation as stated by Andrus et al. in 1945 and Delahaut, Stevenson in 2004. Under ideal conditions for disease growth, it may cause total defoliation, resulting in considerable crop loss. S. lycopersici causes leaf spots on the elder leaves of tomatoes (Ramakrishnan and Sundaram, 1954): The disease begins with water-soaked spots on older leaves closer to the ground, followed by progressive drying and shriveling of the leaves. The dots are round in shape and have a grey center. Throughout the dots, tiny black pycnidia may be detected. The dots are tiny and numerous at first, but eventually, consolidate to cover a greater leaf surface. The primary infection takes place with the help of debris. Pycnidiospores generated in pycnidia developed in leaf patches induce secondary infection (Stoin Elizibeta, 1968). In 1966 as per Rizinski's observation. The illness caused a yield reduction of 12 to 16 percent. Our efforts are just a drop of water from the sea of knowledge.

Pages: 55-59 | Views: 2172 | Downloads: 1730

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International Journal of Plant Pathology and Microbiology
How to cite this article:
Nilesh Vikas Dhangar, Dr. Debjani Choudhury. Septoria leaf spot cause by Septoria lycopersici on tomato: A review. Int J Plant Pathol Microbiol 2022;2(2):55-59.
International Journal of Plant Pathology and Microbiology
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